Generating Online Traffic by Refreshing your Blog Content
In today’s world of online business and marketing, blog posts and website content is more important now more than ever. Generating traffic to your business-related posts is a highly important tool when it comes to generating more business and keeping loyal customers returning to you for services. But when it comes to blog and website content, sometimes new and old content aren’t treated equally. You may think new content is the way to keep those potential and current customers coming back. But, refreshing your older content can also be a great way to keep your brand fresh and competitive.
A good place to start when refreshing your content is to consider your older postings. Where newer posts are going to take time to garner more hits, your older posts can give you a lot more to work with while those newer posts are taking the time they need to gain traction in the internet world. It takes time for new posts the generate traffic and be talked about…or even go viral. New posts are great for adding substance to your site and offer ways to establish your authority on matters pertaining to your company, as well as answer consumer questions. But this will most likely be a short-term thing. Older content, however, offers you a way to assure your customers that you are a valuable tool in the consumer world.
So where do you start when it comes to refreshing your older content? First, it’s a good idea to figure out which blogs or posts are performing well. You can definitely choose to refresh all of your old content. But to start off, identify which ones are generating the most views or conversation. Once you’ve listed your top older content material, it’s time to get started with refreshing it. Here’s a look at a few tips that will help you with that:
Improve Upon the Quality of Your Content:
Look at each one of the posts you’ve listed and examine how you can improve upon it. For example, if you’ve sited a specific study or analysis in that piece, research if there are more up to date studies that have been done. It’s also a good idea to add visuals to your post, especially if the original lacks them. A visual picture often helps add to the aesthetic of the post and makes is more enjoyable to look at and read.
Don’t Forget to Change the Time Stamp:
You want your viewer and potential customers to know that your content is up to date. So, it’s important to change your time stamp on your posts. For example, change the “published on” date to a “last updated” on status. This will indicate that you’re keeping on top of your content and making sure the most up to date information is provided for consumers to read.
Clean Up Those Posts and Add Linking Opportunities When Applicable:
You don’t want a consumer getting frustrated because the link you’ve provided on a particular post is broken. Be sure to check for any broken links on your pages. While you’re doing that, it’s also a great idea to be on the lookout for any additional links to other pages and blogs you can include that are relevant to your posting.
By refreshing your old content, you'll help generate a re-interest in your posts and business. Click To Tweet
Update Potential Key Words in Your Title Tag:
Updating your title tag is essential. This ensures that you will have more of an opportunity to have your posts been seen in internet searches. Make sure to include key words that are trending or highly searched…and pertain to your posting.
Get the Word Out About Your Refreshed Content:
Once your old content has been updated and refreshed, it’s time to spread the word that you’ve updated your content. Now it’s time to promote it. This can be done in a number of ways. You can send out an email blast to your contacts lists. Email marketing is a great tool for rewarding your renewed content. This is a quick and easy way to quickly spread the word. Your refreshed content can also be promoted via your social media accounts. This will be especially helpful to boosting your content’s viewership if you have a substantial social media following. Posting links to your refreshed content on sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram will improve your chances of getting it seen. It will generate likes, shares, and conversation, as well as give you the potential of having your content go viral. And don’t forget about Quora. This social answer site gives you the perfect opportunity to generate more interest in your newly updated content.
Now that you know how you can update your older content, it’s time to get to work! Remember that by refreshing your old content, you’ll help generate a re-interest in your posts and business. Pairing that along with fresh, new content is a great way to ensure that your business stays relevant in this competitive market.